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will fight unless provoked.

So, I’ve been tagged by the lovely Claire, to write seven things about me. Pop the kettle on, this could be a fun one.

1. I’ve wanted to be a solicitor/barrister (varies with the weather/my underwear/you get it) since I was seven because it was what my best friend at the time, Hannah, wanted to do. I also vividly remember wanting to be a gymnast (pause for laughter) and a doctor (like my mummy!).

2. I’ve dyed my hair a grand total of once (excepting the times me and my next best friend E had with those spray cans of temporary hair dye). It was a semi perm red wash in 2006 and my hair was so enchanted by it, it didn’t fully go back to its natural colour until I had a bob (don’t laugh) cut in May of 2008.

3. I am TERRIFIED of a zombie apocalypse. And 2012. Hell, just the end of the world. And pigeons. Feathery bastards.

4. I was vegetarian for two years between the age of 14 and 16, and want to go back to it. Not for ethical reasons, but because I don’t really like the taste/texture of meat. Fish is okay though. (does that make me technically not a vegetarian?)

5. The choir I was in and I were filmed singing at the Royal Festival Hall, aged ten. My grand pièce de résistance was a fake hiccup (my only skill in life, don’tcha know) at the end of a line. I OWNED it. Somewhat related to this, I played piano for seven years, clarinet for one and a bit and descant recorder for 5 or so. Got a few exams and decided to stop trying. I also act a fair bit (including the dreaded Spanish play), and still sing in a choir because it means I get days off to sing in pretty cathedrals and drink tea in really adorable tea rooms.

6. My most embarrassing memory is the time I accidentally took a condom into school, aged ten.

7. I’m getting bored and really want to play on the brand new family iPad.

So there you have it. If there’s anything else you really must know, I am in fact a proponent of TMI & overshare and you’re welcome to ask me via any methods of communication you like!